Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tetingkap Blog pantas di'kecilkan' (minimize) apabila kedengaran sepatu berdetak dari bilik bos aku. Tindakan pantas bercampur gabra yang lakukan agak tepat kerana bos aku terus bergerak ke arah meja aku. Tanpa memandang ke arahnya, aku perasan terdapat bungkusan plastik tergantung di tangan kanannya. Nama aku lantas di panggil.
"Kamu tak keluar makan ke?"
"Awal pagi tadi dah sarap bos."
Aku toleh ke mukanya dan kelihatan beliau tersenyum² 'eksen' pada aku sambil menghayun² beg plastik kecil berwarna putih. Dengan langkah yang agak terjengkit² beliau terus ke meja aku dan mengeluarkan sesuatu dari beg plastik.
"Suka makan ni kan?"
Sekeping coklat dihulurkan kepada aku. Mata aku bersinar memandang coklat yang berada di tangannya.
"Hehehehe....sedap gak kalau dapat tu."
"Nah, amik la!"
Beliau lantas meletakkan kepingan coklat tersebut di atas meja aku.
"Terima kasih bosss!"
"Makan ni tak gemuk kan?"
"Eh, tak de lah!" Aku pantas menafikannya.
"Hah...tu lah. Dulu orang tua cakap. Jangan makan coklat nanti gemuk."
"Tak la bos, tu mitos orang² tua jek."
"Hmm...tu la. saya pun suka gak makan coklat. Tak gemuk² pun."
Aku hanya mengangguk tanda setuju apa yang diperkatakan oleh beliau dan memang ter'bukti' pun. Hahahaha!
Untuk menyokong kata² aku ni, aku carik sedikit fakta dari internet tentang mitos coklat nih yang aku petik dari satu laman web berkenaan mitos tentang coklat (maaf kerana malas nak translate >_<);

7 Myths and Facts about Chocolate
Myth: Chocolate is loaded with saturated fat and is bad for your cholesterol.
Fact: Stearic acid, the main saturated fat found in milk chocolate, is unique. Research has shown that it doesn’t raise cholesterol levels the same way that other types of saturated fats do. In fact, eating a 1.4 ounce chocolate bar instead of a carbohydrate-rich snack has been shown to increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels

Myth: Chocolate causes headaches.
Fact: While sited as a common cause of migraines, a study by the University of Pittsburgh has shown no link between chocolate and headaches. The results of that double-blind study of 63 participants known to suffer chronic headaches were published in the neurology journal Cephalalgia. Chronic headaches were once thought to be caused by amines in foods (including histamine and beta-phenylethylamine) such as cheddar cheese, peanuts, cured meats, chocolate and alcohol, but this study eliminated chocolate as a possible headache cause.
Myth: Chocolate causes weight gain.
Fact: Any food can be part of a healthy diet if consumed in moderation. An average chocolate bar contains 220 calories, which is low enough to be a part of a weight control diet if other high-calorie foods are eliminated. Enjoying the occasional piece of chocolate may reduce the risk of severe bingeing, which can occur when you feel deprived of your favorite foods.

Chocolate’s bad reputation is slowly changing and research now shows that chocolate can be a part of an overall healthy lifestyle, when consumed in moderation. If you keep your portion sizes small and select dark chocolate whenever possible, the occasional treat can be a guilt-free part of your diet.
Artikel ni ada 7 mitos semuanya. tapi aku bagi 3 je la. Lagi 4 boleh la carik kat laman nih:
Selamat 'bercoklat'! ^_^


asuhara sue said...

wah peberet aku tuh..lim nak cokelattttt

Cikgu Zam said...

salam eiduladha buat Tuan dan keluarga,.

artakus said...

asuhara: bolehhhh....mai la datang bawak 'teman' baru tuh! :p

cikgu zam: salam eiduladha juga untuk cikgu!

aaa...tak yah la ber'tuan²' nih!

cinta said...

sebeno nye COKLAT tu sodap yum yumyum...x kiranye bleh mgemokn atau x heheheee....